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Microsoft brings the Skydrive cloud app to Android


After updating Nokia Belle phones with Microsoft's cloud service, SkyDrive, the company is now eyeing other smartphone­s and it has released an app for SkyDrive on Android, considerin­g the gigantic share of Google's mobile OS. Android users can store multimedia files on the cloud-based SkyDrive app and access them from virtually any device, while also sharing them on the go.

8VHUV FDQ DFFHVV 6NY'ULYH FRQWHQW, LQFOXGLQJ fiOHV VKDUHG WLWK WKHP, and will be able to view recently used documents, as well as choose multiple photos or videos to upload from the phone. SkyDrive also offers users the DELOLWY WR VKDUH fiOHV DQG SKRWRV WKURXJK HPDLO RU D OLQN LQ DQRWKHU DSS, DQG RSHQ 6NY'ULYH fiOHV LQ RWKHU $QGURLG DSSV DQG PDQDJH, HGLW RU GHOHWH IROGHUV.

The SkyDrive applicatio­n for Windows desktop and OS X recently got updated and will now feature a new, modern design for desktop and tablet browsers, along with instant search, a contextual toolbar, thumbnail multiselec­t, drag-and-drop organisati­on and content sorting.

A Microsoft blog post made the following announceme­nt, “As many of you know, Windows Phone users can have all the photos they take on their phones automatica­lly sent to the SkyDrive camera roll folder. I have 1,411 photos in this folder, and it used to be a pain to get to the most recent photo. We now default to sorting by newest to oldest, which should make viewing your camera roll much better.”

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