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What is new in OPENSUSE Linux 12.2?


2SHQ686( /LQXX 12.2 fiQDOOY PDGH LWV GHEXW LQ WKH RSHQ VRXUFH WRUOG. +HUH LV D rundown on what is new in this latest version:

Superfast speed This distributi­on comes with the Linux 3.4 kernel. According to a blog by Jos Poortvliet, openSUSE community manager for SUSE Linux: “It includes a faster storage layer to prevent blocking during large transfers.” He even added that KDE 4.8.4 makes the desktop more responsive. Meanwhile, glibc 2.15 boosts the performanc­e of many functions, particular­ly on 64-bit systems, and Systemd 44 enables faster booting, reports PC World. Advanced infrastruc­ture It comes with a more advanced infrastruc­ture with a GRUB2 bootloader as default. Poortvliet wrote in his blog post, “We’ve begun the process of revising and simplifyin­g the 81,; fiOHVYVWHP KLHUDUFKY WR improve compatibil­ity across distributi­ons, and during start-up and shutdown, 3OYPRXWK SURYLGHV flLFNHU-IUHH WUDQVLWLRQ­V DQG DWWUDFWLYH DQLPDWLRQV.” A sophistica­ted desktop GNOME 3.4 adds smoother scrolling, a reworked System Settings app, and an improved Contacts manager, Poortvliet noted. He also added that Xfce 4.10 offers DQ LPSURYHG DSSOLFDWLR­Q fiQGHU, WKLOH WKH 'ROSKLQ fiOH PDQDJHU LV “ERWK SUHWWLHU and faster.” A range of apps Included among openSUSE 12.2's software line-up are not just 1.12, with its support for multi-touch input devices and multi-seat deployment­s, but DOVR 0RZLOOD )LUHIRX, G,03 2.8, /LEUH2IfiFH 3.5, .ULWD 2.4 IRU SDLQWLQJ DQG illustrati­on, and Tomahawk Player for music, a PC World report reports. Cooler apps 2SHQ686( 12.2 FRPHV WLWK D KRVW RI VFLHQWLfiF WRROV SURYLGLQJ PDWK applicatio­ns, the Stellarium astronomic­al simulator and more. Poortvliet explained that, “programmer­s will enjoy version 1.0.2 of Google’s Go language as well as the latest C++ language standards implemente­d in GCC 4.7.1 and Qt Creator 2.5.”

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