OpenSource For You

Getting started with the installati­on


To install Octopress, you need Git and Ruby 1.9.3 (installed using rbenv or RVM) on your machine. Installing the SDFNDJHV LV D QR-bUDLQHU; yRX FDQ fiQG ORWV RI WXWRULDOV RQ WhH Web to assist you.

ThH fiUVW VWHS QRw LV WR FORQH WhH UHSRVLWRUy IURP GLW+Xb. Fire up your terminal and run the following commands: git clone git:// octopress cd octopress # If using rvm, you will be asked on trust for the .Umvc fiOe, VimSOy Vay <eV. ruby --version # Should say Ruby 1.9.3

gem install bundler

Once bundler is installed, you can install all dependenci­es for Octopress, with the following command: rbenv rehash # Only if using rbenv and not RsM bundle install

Moving on to installing the default Octopress theme, you need to run an included rake task. Rake is a build tool that, in the Ruby world, substitute­s for the likes of make and ant.

rake install

This task copies the classic Octopress theme into the source and the sass folder of your installati­on. Octopress is now successful­ly installed.

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