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The first alpha of Mandriva Linux 2012 is out


7KH fiUVW DOSKD IRU 0DQGULvD /LQXx 2012 LV fiQDOOy DvDLODEOH QRZ IRU WHVWLQJ. Code-named Tenacious Underdog, this version upgrades the KDE desktop to version 4.9.0 from August and includes a faster distributi­on installer. Also, the text PRGH RI WKH LQVWDOOHU LV ZRUNLQJ fiQH. 7KH HAL (hardware abstractio­n layer) has been FRPSOHWHOy UHPRvHG. 6HvHUDO EXJ fixHV DQG RWKHU SDFNDJHV KDvH EHHQ XSGDWHG.

Mandriva Linux project leader Per Oyvind Karlsen stated that the alpha got delayed due to some issues in the current build system.

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