OpenSource For You

Raspberry Pi-based box makes rooting Android phones easy


Rooting Android phones with a Raspberry Pi-based box will now be simpler and more interestin­g. According to Wikipedia, “Android rooting is the process of allowing users of smartphone­s, tablets and other devices running the Android mobile operating system to attain privileged control (known as ‘root access’) within Android's subsystem.” All you need to do is to connect your device to the ingenious box named CASUAL, an abbreviati­on for 'CrossSODWI­RUP $'B 6FULSWLQJ 8QLfiHG $QGURLG /RDGHU'. C$68$/, GHYHORSHG Ey long time hardware hacker Adam Outler, helps the user to plug in the device and feed its exploits over ADB.

Theoretica­lly, you don't need a screen, mouse or a keyboard to operate

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