OpenSource For You

Meet Another Rival of Raspberry Pi


With the invention of Raspberry Pi, the stakes in the battle for supremacy in the small-sized computers space have gone up. One of the latest entrants in this area is Olimex, the Bulgarian device maker. The company has introduced the OLinuXino, a small single-board computer, which is totally open source. Olimex claims that this computer has a better processor and more built-in I/O ports as compared to Raspberry Pi.

The developers of the project say that the hardware and the software of the device are open source. This means that one can not only modify the software of WKH GHYLFH EXW FDQ DOVR GRZQORDG WKH VRXUFH fiOHV IRU WKH KDUGZDUH. 7KLV FDQ KHOS in developing and selling your own products based on the design of the Olimex PC, which is available in two variants, both of which sell for less that $60.

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