OpenSource For You

Short-cut keys


DifferenW sofWware use differenW ways (preceding wiWh ‘_’, or ‘&’, or ‘~’) Wo highlighW shorW-cuW keys. ,n (nglish, Whese keys flow in Whe usual WexW. For ,ndic languages, as Where are several inpuW meWhods and some keys for vowel matras need Whe supporW of dummy glyphs, iW is noW possible Wo use local language shorW-cuW keys. So, usually, Whe (nglish shorW-cuW keys are puW aW Whe end of Whe sWring, in parenWhese­s. BuW Whese are sWill difficulW Wo use, as Whis requires changing Whe inpuW meWhod, so , suggesW WhaW we dispense wiWh Whe shorW-cuW keys, as mouse and Wouchbased inWeracWio­n is becoming Whe norm. However, iW is an accessibil­iWy aid, so may require a longer discussion.

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