OpenSource For You

Embedding audio/video in the applicatio­n


G:T SURvLGHV FODVVHV IRU HPEHGGLnJ VWDWLF DXGLR/vLGHR fiOHV, or playing them while loading the applicatio­n. The audio class in the package provides support IRU DGGLnJ DXGLR fiOHV. VLGHR fiOH IXnFWLRnDO­LWy LV SURvLGHG Ey the class. File formats supported by these classes vary depending on the browser. $uGio auGio iI (auGio

return; $uGio.FreaWeIISu­SSorWeG(); null) { } auGio.aGGSourFe(“SaWh/file.mS3”, $uGio(lemenW.TYP(_MP3); audio.setControl­s(true) // for preloading auGio.seWSrF(“SaWh/file.mS3”); auGio.seWPreloaG(MeGia(lemenW.PR(/2$D_$UT2);

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