OpenSource For You

Use cases


Nagios can be effectivel­y used for network monitoring at ISPs, in government, health care, manufactur­ing, banking and finDnFe, WeOeFRPPXn­LFDWLRnV, eWF.

As an example of getting Nagios to monitor a system, let’s install it in an lpenSrSb sirtual Machine. We can use sMware Workstatio­n, Player or any other product to create the sM. Install lpenSrSb 12.2 in it. When that's done, install some pre- requisite packages using the wypper command- line package manager, with the following commands: zypper install kernel-source make gcc gcc-c++ zypper install rrdtool php5 php5-gd php5-zlib apache2-mod_php5 perl-pkjm net-snmp-P2bit nmap ncpfs libwavpack­1 apache2

aownload Nagios Core into the sM, from www.nagios. org/download/. Log in as root, create a user and groups for Nagios, and change the user password: @ /usr/sbin/useradd -m nagios @ passwd nagios Changing password for nagios. kew massword: massword changed. @ groupadd nagcmd @ groupadd nagios

Add the nagios user to the nagcmd and nagios groups, as follows:

@ usermod -d nagcmd nagios

(xWUDFW Whe 1DgLRV CRUe WDU fiOe; cd to the extracted folder, and run the following command: # ./cRnfigure -with-cRPPanG-grRuS nagcPG @ make all @@ff successful, ends with an “bnjoy!” message.

Install init nagios/etc:

VFULSWV, DnG VDPSOe FRnfig fiOeV Ln /usr/local/ @ sudo make install-init /usr/bin/install -c -m 755 -d -o root -g root /etc/rc.d /usr/bin/install -c -m 755 -o root -g root daemon-init /etc/rc.d/ nagios *** fnit script installed *** # PaNe install-cRnfig


 ??  ?? Figure 2: Nagios Checker settings
Figure 2: Nagios Checker settings
 ??  ?? Figure 4: Nagios Checker status
Figure 4: Nagios Checker status
 ??  ?? Figure 3: Status script URL
Figure 3: Status script URL

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