OpenSource For You

The video


The most obvious part of the jOOC is the videos, which have to be brief and engaging. hhan Academy is a great example. Salman hhan's presentati­on on TED talks is an excellent resource for understand­ing why and how these videos worked. It seems so obvious, in retrospect, that you wonder why no one had done it earlier. Unsurprisi­ngly, the radical change had to come from outside the community of educators!

To make such videos, the primary tools you will need are screen capture software, a sketching program and a tablet. In order to ensure that you do not have too many 'retakes', you will need video editing software. Although desktop recording tools will let you record the VFUHHQ DQG DuGLR VLPuOWDQHR­uVOy, yRu PDy fiQG LW PRUH effective to create separate tracks for screen capture and audio, and then mix them.

YRu FDQ fiQG D QuPEHU RI RSHQ VRuUFH DQG Linux options for each of the required software. oecording a desktop session on Linux is easy with recordmyde­sktop. For sound editing, Audacity is the default option. For video editing, the options include

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