OpenSource For You

How to run Codegen


2QFH yRX hDYH WhH IUDPHZRUN FRQfiJXUHG, UXQQLQJ CRGHJHQ Ls sWUDLJhWIR­UZDUG. 7R FRQfiJXUH WhH IUDPHZRUN, yRX QHHG WR open the 'LQCOXGeV/CRQfigXUDW­LRQ/CRQfigXUDW­LRQ.LQC.ShS.VDmSOe' fiOH DQG FhDQJH WhH YDOXHs IRU __DOCROOT__, __VIRTUAL_ DIRECTORY__ and __SUBDIRECTO­RY__. Also, you need to set the database parameters in DB_CONNECTION_1. "After making WhH FhDQJHs, sDYH WhH fiOH Ds 'LQFOXGHs/FRQfiJXUDW­LRQ/FRQfiJXUDW­LRQ. inc.php. Now, you need to open the base nCubed installati­on address from the browser. That is to say, if your DocumentRo­ot directory is /var/www and you installed nCubed in /var/www/ lfy then you should open the address http://localhost/lfy. If you hDYH QRW FRQfiJXUHG sRPHWhLQJ ULJhW, WhH DXWRPDWHG FRQfiJXUDW­LRQ checker will try to help you out.

YRX shRXOG sHH D ‘6WDUW’ SDJH shRZLQJ WhH FXUUHQW FRQfiJXUDW­LRQ, details about the framework and important links to help you. It would also let you know of any other problems detected— for instance, if you entered wrong parameters for database FRQfiJXUDW­LRQ, WhDW ZRXOG EH shRZQ hHUH Ds ZHOO. ,Q DGGLWLRQ, LI WhHUH DUH fiOH-sysWHP SHUPLssLRQ LssXHs, WhDW WRR Ls UHSRUWHG. 4CXEHG QHHGs SHUPLssLRQ­s WR FUHDWH DQG DOWHU fiOHs LQ FHUWDLQ GLUHFWRULH­s ZhHUH LW ZRXOG SXW WhH CRGHJHQHG fiOHs. 7hH fiOH-sysWHP SHUPLssLRQ LssXHs DUH FhHFNHG GXULQJ WhH FRQfiJ-FhHFN Ds ZHOO! 2Q WhH ‘6WDUW’ SDJH, you get the link to run the Codegen, so click on it. I recommend that you take a backup of the index.php fiOH WhDW FRPHs DORQJ EHIRUH modifying or replacing it with one of your own, as it contains important links you would need time and again.

2QFH yRX hDYH FRQfiJXUHG WhH IUDPHZRUN ZLWh RQH GDWDEDsH, yRX FDQ DGG PRUH GDWDEDsHs WR yRXU DSS GHfiQHG Ds DB_ CONNECTION_2, DB_CONNECTION_3 and so on. oemember, however, that simply adding database connection­s would not run Codegen for all of them. vou need to add Codegen parameters for each of them in the codegen_settings.xml fiOH (LQ WhH sDPH directory), in which various options and their effects have been

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