OpenSource For You

Today’s Web hosting data centres deploy multiple servers, running many operating systems. With the growing number of online businesses, it's important to know how many customers reach your websites. Beyond just the number of hits, it is imperative to unde


Websites directly catering to a business are always complex for the business owner, as well as the technology support team. Owners want to know things like how many hits are generated over a period of time, and also which product pages are being accessed more frequently than others. This informatio­n is essential for them to correlate it directly or indirectly with the sales and profit figures. The owner would also be interested in customer trends. For example, they may want to find out if Web users are trying to access a particular set of products just because those products are on discount.

From the technology support standpoint, administra­tors want to ensure the reliabilit­y and stability of their websites. If the Web hits are increasing, they would want to know what impact this can have on CPUs and memory usage, as well as on the network throughput. Similarly, it would be important for them to know if and when the servers' hardware needs upgrades, or when to add more Web servers into the pool. Another requiremen­t could be to troublesho­ot wHEsLWH-UHODWHG SUREOHPs Ey ORRNLQJ DW WhH HTTP HUURU fiHOG (for instance, a 404 means that links on the website point to non-existent pages, causing a bad user experience).

Web servers create detailed and verbose Web logs in WhH IRUP RI WHxW fiOHs. AOO fiHOGs DUH LPSRUWDQW IRU DQDOyWLFs; hRwHvHU, TDEOH 1 OLsWs fiHOGs WhDW DUH FUXFLDO IRU DQDOysLQJ website usage and trends.

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