OpenSource For You



For a long time, the open source community has SURYLGHG PDny RSWLRnV IRU nHWZRUN fiUHZDOOV Ey UHOHDVLnJ various distributi­ons. They provide security and ease RI FRnfiJuUDW­LRn, DnG FDn EH LnVWDOOHG Rn SUDFWLFDOO­y Dny PLnLPDO-FRnfiJuUDW­LRn FRPSuWHU VyVWHP. 7hH PRVW important factor for SMBs is that these distros are free (under a GNU license) and do not require yearly renewals. 2nH RI WhH EHVW RI WhHVH LV WhH ,3CRS fiUHZDOO, ZhLFh hDV a long history—it was forked from Smoothwall in 2001. sarious releases followed, the most popular being IPCop version 1.4.21 (the last stable version available).

The default v 1.4.21 had limited functional­ity, but was flexible enough to allow installati­on of various add-

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