OpenSource For You

Listen Music Player


Well, if nothing else, the name is straightfo­rward! vou do listen to music, don’t you? Coded in mython, LLVWeQ LV D IuOO-fleGgeG PuVLc SODyer DQG PDQDger WRRO IRr GN20(. ,I yRu hDYeQ’W uVeG LLVWeQ beIRre, yRu wLOO fiQG LW WR be a cross between ohythmbox and Banshee. The interface is GLYLGeG LQWR Whree SDQeV: Whe exWrePe OeIW SDQe LV Whe SODyOLVW, Whe PLGGOe SDQe LV Whe QDYLgDWLRQ cRQVROe whLOe Whe RQe RQ the extreme right is the track informatio­n section. All in all, LLVWeQ LV D wRQGerIuO PuVLc SODyer. ,W OeWV yRu PDQDge yRur SRGcDVWV DV weOO DV brRwVe and Shoutcast directorie­s.

LLQk: without bugging you for codecs, and also comes with VWreDPLQg cDSDbLOLWL­eV.

On the downside, sLC Media mlayer severely lacks media PDQDgLQg DQG RrgDQLVLQg cDSDbLOLWL­eV, whLch Dre eDVLOy IRuQG in the likes of Banshee or even Miro.


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