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TRWeP LV D YLGeR SODyer IRr GN20( eQYLrRQPeQ­WV. JuVW like ohythmbox, it also has the GStreamer framework to wDWch LWV bDck. 2Qce yRu ODuQch TRWeP, yRu wLOO SrRbDbOy fiQG LW uQLPSreVVL­Ye DQG bODQG—yeV, Whe LQWerIDce ORRkV rLghW RuW RI Whe 1990V. HRweYer, LW LV RQe SLece RI WruOy VRShLVWLcD­WeG VRIWwDre: LW cRPeV wLWh LWV RwQ SOug-LQ IRr 0RzLOOD )LreIRx WR heOS yRu SODy YLGeRV rLghW LQVLGe Whe brRwVer, DV weOO DV D YLGeR SrRSerWLeV’ heOSer IRr Whe cRPPDQG OLQe. WhLOe TRWeP cDQ SODy DuGLR fiOeV too, it is best suited for videos.


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