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bucalyptus is an open source + commercial private IaaS service provider. bucalyptus is the short form for ‘blastic Computing Architectu­re for Linking vour mrograms to Useful Systems’. Main Features of bucalyptus­W Compatibil­ity with Amazon Web Services AmI. Installati­on and deployment from source or DbB and omM packages. Secure communicat­ion between internal processes via SOAm and WS-Security. 6XSSRUW IRU /LQXx DQG :LQGRZV YLUWXDO PDFKLQHV (90V). Support for multiple clusters as a single cloud. blastic Ims and security groups. Users and groups management. Accounting reports. CRQfiJXUDE­OH VFKHGXOLQJ SROLFLHV DQG 6/AV. bach bucalyptus cloud will have one or many kode Controller­s per Cluster Controller. This controls sM activities—launching instances, inspection, terminatio­n of instances, and the clean-up. The Cluster Controller manages a collection of kode Controller­s, manages access to public and SULYDWH QHWZRUNV, FRQWUROV HxHFXWLRQ RI 90V, DQG PDQDJHV virtual networking. bach bucalyptus cloud will have multiple Cluster Controller­s. A Cloud Controller manages virtualise­d resources; each bucalyptus cloud will have a single CLC.

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