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Openkebula manages virtual infrastruc­ture to build private, public and hybrid infrastruc­ture as Service Clouds. It orchestrat­es storage, network, virtualisa­tion, monitoring and security. This open source project lets you build and manage virtualise­d enterprise data centres and IaaS clouds with FRUH YDOXHV VXFK DV RSHQQHVV, HxFHOOHQFH, FRRSHUDWLR­Q DQG innovation. Openkebula was initiated as a research project in 2005 by Ignacio M Llorente and ouben S Montero, and was released under the Apache licence.

Openkebula provides AWS bC2 and bBS AmIs, and the selfservic­e portal for cloud consumers. It provides a powerful CLI that resembles typical UkIu commands. A catalogue of ready-to-run virtual appliances is available in the Appliance Marketplac­e. It provides support for hybrid cloud computing, with connectors for AWS. Security is available via user, group and role management,

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