OpenSource For You

10. Zenoss


wenoss is an open source applicatio­n, server, and network management platform released under the GkU General mublic License (GmL) version 2, based on the wope applicatio­n server. wenoss Core consists of open source technologi­es such as the object-oriented Web server, wope Applicatio­n server; an HxWHQVLEOH SURJUDPPLQ­J ODQJXDJH (3yWKRQ); WKH PRQLWRULQJ protocol ket-SkMm that collects system status details; graph and log time-series data by ooDtool; open source database, MySnL; and the event-driven networking engine, Twisted. It provides an easy-to-use Web interface to monitor SHUIRUPDQF­H, HYHQWV, FRQfiJXUDW­LRQ DQG LQYHQWRUy. 7KHUH DUH a number of products and tools in the market, which provide monitoring of on-premise/cloud environmen­ts. wenoss is one RI WKH EHVW IRU XQLfiHG PRQLWRULQJ, VLQFH LW LV FORXG DJQRVWLF.

wenoss monitors networks, servers, HsAC and power, and applicatio­ns using agent-less technology. wenoss involves configurat­ion, performanc­e, availabili­ty, fault and event management, alerts and remediatio­n, as well as reporting. It supports integratio­n using Web Service AmIs (;0/-53C DQG 5(67), ;0/ LPSRUW/HxSRUW DQG D 3yWKRQ Scripting Shell.

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