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WanamLite is a Samsung RlM based on the JellyBean update, which offers better battery life and removes all the bloat, whilst providing customisat­ions like call recording, 15 toggle buttons Rn WKH nRWLficDWL­Rn VcUHHn, DnG PRVW LPSRUWDnWO­y, D ORwHU 2S footprint, with the RlM taking up much less space in internal memory as well as RAM. In short, if you want better battery life, more free RAM, and an overall snappy experience with a de-bloated Samsung-based RlM, WanamLite is for you.

There are many more RlMs that might be equally popular, but since we are doing a ‘Top 10’ here, I'll restrict my choice to these. Usually, if you ask experts on where to start with a good RlM, most reply with a “Depends on your preference­s…” kind of answer—and that makes life much PRUH GLIficXOW IRU SHRSOH wKR GRn'W NnRw wKHUH DnG wKDW WR ORRN IRU. HRwHYHU, yRX VKRXOG nRWH WKDW LW LV YHUy GLIficXOW to point out which RlM is the best for your particular GHYLcH. :KDW'V PRUH, VRPHWLPHV LW HYHn bHcRPHV GLIficXOW to differenti­ate between two popular RlMs, because they look very similar on the outside, and the features available DUH nRW WRR GLIIHUHnW IURP HDcK RWKHU. (YHn LI yRX GRn'W finG D SDUWLcXODU IHDWXUH Ln yRXU 520, yRX'OO finG WKDW LW LV YHUy easy to customise and add new functional­ity on a rooted Android device, if you know how to go about it!

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