OpenSource For You

GPS traces


These are continuous traces of the paths you’ve travelled on with the GPS device on, continuous­ly monitoring yRXU SRVLWLRQ. 7hLV FUHDWHV WUDFH fiOHV that can be uploaded to lSM and integrated into the base map. The GPS coordinate­s and traces can be obtained by any GPS-enabled phone with the necessary software, or a GPS device that has a USB interface that you FDQ XVH WR WUDQVIHU WUDFH fiOHV WR yRXU computer. If you’re planning to buy one, check out the lSM Wiki page for GPS device reviews.

lnce you have zoomed in to the location that you want to edit, click the Edit link on the top, and enter your credential­s to log in to lSM. (You’ve registered by now, haven’t you?)

lnce you’re logged in, Bing’s aerial imagery shows up in the background; you can choose from the drop-downs to either sharpen the background, or do away with it. Now, add nodes by double-clicking at a single point. You can add paths by clicking a trace path and double-clicking at the last node. To create a closed polygon, simply click RQ WhH fiUVW QRGH DIWHU yRX’YH FUHDWHG DOO the other nodes.

After creating a node or a path, you can add properties to it by choosing an appropriat­e one from the panel on the left-hand side. You can also drag the points into the map to directly place a particular entity on the map. Try clicking the tabs to see the various properties that you can give to the nodes. As mentioned earlier, nodes are often called Points of Interest (PlI) in lSM lingo.

To undo something, hit Backspace or Delete; Backspace removes nodes one by one, in the reverse order. lr VLPSOy FOLFN RQ WhH fiQDO QRGH, SDWh RU shape, and hit Delete to remove it. Maps can be dragged using ‘click-drag’ even while editing the map.

lnce you’re done editing the

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