OpenSource For You

Editing OSM using JOSM


JlSM is a Java applicatio­n that can be used to edit lSM. It’s the most popular program used to edit lpenStreet­Map. It’s very easy to install and use, and it’s really fun too. Download JlSM from http:// josm. openstreet­ (a Windows installer is at http:// josm. openstreet­ josm-setup.exe) to install it via the Ubuntu package manager, and simply apt-get it from the repositori­es.

You may want to upgrade the package later. To update to the latest JlSM version from the package maintainer’s YHUVLRQ, GRwQORDG WhH -A5 fiOH IURP WhH JlSM site, and copy it to /usr/share/josm wLWh WhH fiOH QDPH josm.jar.

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