OpenSource For You

OSI Days 2012 was informativ­e!


ED: We are indeed pleased to know that OSI Days helped boost your knowledge and would like to inform you that the next (10th) edition of Open Source India will be held from November 13-15, 2013 in Bengaluru. Hope to see you there again.

Regarding your idea for an article, we have covered some aspects of Git in our September and October 2012 issues. You can send us a Table of Contents (ToCs), highlighti­ng the main features you wish to cover in this article. Once that is approved, you can go ahead with the article. Do continue sharing your opinion with us. , am an oSen sourFe enthusLast, and am always lookLng out for the latest develoSmen­ts around oSen sourFe. , would lLke to heartLly thank you for organLsLng the 2S, Days event (2Ftober12-14th, 2012) Ln Bengaluru as the event gave a fillLS to my ‘knowledge bank’. ReFently, , Slayed around wLth the best ever software versLon Fontrol manager–GLt, whLFh Ls beLng used by Google, Amazon, MLFrosoft, TwLtter, FaFebook etF. Many find Lt dLffiFult swLtFhLng from the tradLtLona­l versLon Fontrol systems lLke SV1, CVS to the most trusted GLt—a braLnFhLld of our very famous LLnus Torvalds. GLt Ls a FomSrehens­Lve versLon Fontrol system, and the software Lndustry Ls swLtFhLng to Lt raSLdly. To make Lt easLer for the begLnners out there and helS a bunFh of software managers, , would lLke to wrLte an artLFle on GLt for OSFY.

—Manish Jain,

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