OpenSource For You

These are exciting times for devices. End users have the options of Android, Chromeos, Firefoxos, KDE Plasma Active, etc, to choose from. Here’s a look at how similar or different these OSS are from each other.


One striking difference is that each OS is supposed to have a distinct personalit­y in addition to, perhaps, some difference­s in functional­ity. ThiV iV in contraVt to thH flHxibiOit­y oI diVtributi­onV OikH )Hdora and Arch Linux, whHrH you can gHt YHry diIIHrHnt HnYironPHn­tV by Vwitching bHtwHHn .DE, GN2ME, CinnaPon, X)CE, LXDE, Htc. Ubuntu Pay haYH a SrHIHrHncH Ior Unity, but it too can bH changHd to any oI the other personalit­ies.

You may also differenti­ate various environmen­ts on thH baViV oI thin and thick cOiHntV. ThH nHw HnYironPHn­tV VHHP to IaOO bHtwHHn thH two. ThHy rHOy SrHdoPinan­tOy on thH WHb or thH cOoud, but do haYH OocaO aSSOicatio­nV, which tHnd to bH OightwHigh­t. ThHy aOVo rHOy uSon a rich browVHr, which can work with OocaO data aV wHOO. So, to uVH coPSaratiY­HOy anciHnt tHrPinoOog­y, wouOd you conVidHr thHVH dHYicHV thH ‘ clients’ in a ‘ client- server’ environmen­t?

GiYHn Vo Pany nHw choicHV, HVSHciaOOy aV dHYHOoSHrV, you nHHd a way to SOay around with thH YariouV aOtHrnatiY­HV, and understand their specialiti­es and idiosyncra­sies. In a corporate or educationa­l environmen­t, you may need to support and manage the variations.

It is good to re-look at some of the old and not-so-old VoOutionV, and VHH how thHy SHrIorP today. 2nH oI thH idHaV wouOd bH to chHck out iI you couOd HxtHnd VoPH oI thHVH VoOutionV in ordHr to incorSorat­H thH dHVirabOH IHaturHV oI thH nHw HnYironPHn­tV in corSoratH and Hducationa­O HnYironPHn­tV.

BaVH PuSSy Linux conViVtV oI thrHH fiOHV— vmlinuz, initrd.gz and a root VTuaVh fiOH VyVtHP (VoPHthing OikH puppy_precise_5.4.3.sfs). You Pay coSy thH thrHH fiOHV in, Vay, a puppy Vub-dirHctory undHr thH /boot partition, and add an Hntry in thH GRUB PHnu aV IoOOowV:

You Pay wiVh to HxSHriPHnt with booting IroP a VHrYHr oYHr thH nHtwork. SincH thH PuSSy Linux kHrnHO doHV not coPH with N)S VuSSort, thH HaViHVt oStion iV to crHatH a nHw, OargHr initrd IiOH by adding thH sfs file in the initrd. You wiOO nHHd to VuitabOy conIigurH thH dhcpd, tftpd and HTTP VHrYHrV. ThH OattHr iV iPSortant, aV booting with tftp iV VOow Ior OargH IiOHV and iPXE boot R2MV ( support a variety of options, including HTTP. You may use ipxe.krn from http:// boot. ipxe. org/ ipxe. iso, which incOudHV aOO thH VuSSortHd driYHrV. ThH GRUB Hntry iV ViPSOH:

A coPSariVon oI booting tiPHV on thH VaPH hardwarH IoOOowV:

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