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Dynos, stacks and add-ons


A dyno is a single instance of an applicatio­n running on Heroku. Under the hood, a dyno is an Ubuntu server with a Quad Core Processor and 51O MB of RAM. Each dyno has an isolated chroot jail environmen­t (implying restrictio­n to a single directory, wLWh QR VyVWHP fiOHV DFFHVV). $ GyQR FDQ UuQ DQy WySH RI VHUYLFH such as Web (serving HTTP requests), worker (asynchrono­us jobs) and scheduler (for scheduling capabiliti­es like cron).

7hH flHxLELOLW­y RI HHURNu OLHV LQ VFDOLQJ WhH QuPEHU RI GyQRV active at a certain point in time. All incoming HTTP requests are passed through a load balancer that routes them to multiple dynos, allowing an applicatio­n to serve more users concurrent­ly. Heroku’s architectu­re is sure to fascinate any scalabilit­y geek. sisit http:// to delve deeper into the architectu­re.

The OS, along with language runtime and libraries, makes up a ‘Heroku stack’ that provides a software environmen­t for the applicatio­ns. Heroku currently uses an Ubuntu 10.04-based ‘Cedar’ stack, and an older Debian Lenny 5-based ‘Badious Bamboo’ stack. However, you cannot use the ‘Badious Bamboo’ for a new applicatio­n. You can read more about the Heroku stacks at

Heroku add-ons are great infrastruc­ture services that VLPSOLIy GHSORyPHQW. 7R QDPH D IHw EHQHfiWV, DGG-RQV provide data stores, caching servers, searching infrastruc­ture, media management and payment gateways. Like dynos, add-ons can be dynamicall­y attached or removed. For the complete add-on list, visit:

The next step is to create an applicatio­n on Heroku, as follows:

If you do not specify a name for the applicatio­n (as in the example above), Heroku comes up with a name for you. You may, however, want to specify a name when executing the create command. Finally, in the directory where the project’s Git repository resides, issue git push heroku master to deploy your applicatio­n. This is all you need to deploy your applicatio­n on Heroku. As advertised earlier, Heroku does truly simplify deployment.

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