OpenSource For You

Simplifyin­g Deployment on the Cloud with Heroku

Many developers assume cloud deployment to be tedious, costly, insecure and even sometimes unreliable. However, with the advent of platforms like Heroku, deployment on the cloud is being widely adopted and it is empowering a large number of developers. Le


Heroku is a PaaS (Platform as a Service) cloud LQIUDVWUuF­WuUH VHUYLFH. :LNLSHGLD GHfiQHV WhH PODWIRUP as a Service (PaaS) model as a “…category of service models that provide a computing platform (http://en. and a solution stack ( as a service.” Simply put, a PaaS offering facilitate­s applicatio­n deployment without the need to administer the underlying software and hardware stack. Developers can focus their energies on building applicatio­ns, which matters most.

There are tons of cloud players competing for developer attention, yet Heroku stands out from the herd. Instead of users purchasing virtualise­d server instances and managing software installati­ons on them, the Heroku approach is different and innovative—code is pushed into a Git (a distribute­d version control system) repository, which is then instantly deployed.

:LWh HHURNu, hDFNHUV JHW WhH flHxLELOLW­y RI wULWLQJ DSSOLFDWLR­QV in the language of their choice, while using the most appropriat­e GDWDEDVH EDFN-HQG, DQG flHxLEOy DGGLQJ WhH VRIWwDUH DQG hDUGwDUH infrastruc­ture resources they require. Heroku also subtly pushes developers to follow recommende­d software developmen­t practices such as using version control, isolating dependenci­es, VWRULQJ DSSOLFDWLR­Q FRQfiJuUDW­LRQV LQ HQYLURQPHQ­W YDULDEOHV DQG scaling via concurrenc­y (parallel utilisatio­n of multiple hardware LQVWDQFHV). PHUVRQDOOy, DV D GHYHORSHU, HHURNu LV Py fiUVW FhRLFH IRU work or hobby projects; here are some of the reasons why. 1. Ease and simplicity: For a stable, robust and scalable deployment, Heroku requires just a basic acquaintan­ce with the platform’s terminolog­ies, and a combinatio­n of core developmen­t and command-line skills. 2. Trust: Heroku is built on Amazon Web Services, which is known for its excellent uptime and scalabilit­y. Also, Heroku’s parent company,, is a trusted enterprise across the world. 3. Community support and documentat­ion: With an excellent community backing the platform, and rich detailed documentat­ion for beginners, lots of developers are introduced to Heroku early in their career, and stay loyal to the platform.

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