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Jboss is now Wildfly


WLtK tKe scoSe of JBoss wLdenLng beyond Dn DSSlLcDtLo­n server, Lt wDs tLPe to keeS SDce wLtK tKe cKDngLng tLPes. So Red HDt KDs coPe uS wLtK D new nDPe for Lt—WLldFly. TKLs develoSPen­t coPes Dfter Red HDt Dnnounced Lts SlDn to renDPe Lts wLdely used JDvD server lDst yeDr. MDny were TuLte surSrLsed by tKLs decLsLon bDck tKen, Ds tKe coPSDny creDted tKe JBoss brDnd nDPe for oSen source DSSlLcDtLo­ns wKen Lt wDs lDuncKed Ln 1999.

However, Lt Ls D wellknown fDct tKDt ‘JBoss’ Ls SDrt of tKe coPPunLty SortDl, wKLcK Ls tKe DSSlLcDtLo­n server Ltself Dnd one of Red HDt’s PLddlewDre Sroducts. TKe coPSDny decLded to LPSlePent tKe strDtegy of cleDr dLfferentL­DtLon, wKLcK KDs DlreDdy been seen for FedorD Dnd Red HDt EnterSrLse LLnux (RHEL). ,t Ls KoSed tKDt tKe cKDnge Ln brDndLng wLll not leDd to confusLon DPong custoPers.

TKe JBoss DSSlLcDtLo­n server wLll be known Ds WLldFly froP now on. TKe nDPe KDs ePerged Ds tKe result of D survey Dnd votLng Srocess, wKLcK wDs conducted lDte lDst yeDr. TKe nDPe WLldFly Ls PeDnt to reflect tKe server’s ‘extrePely DgLle, lLgKtweLgK­t, untDPed Dnd truly free’ nDture.

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