OpenSource For You

The Quickly applicatio­n stack


TKe 4uLFkOy DSSOLFDWLR­Q VWDFk FRQVLVWV RI D VSeFLfiF VeW RI WRROV that are chosen on behalf of the developer to make the work PuFK eDVLeU DQG SURYLGe D VWUeDPOLQe­G wRUkflRw, wKLFK LV automated and interwoven into these technologi­es so that it can effectivel­y act as a wrapper for all the unnecessar­y hard work that needs to be done.

ft focuses on the following tools to make your process of applicatio­n developmen­t easierW Python dTKH Pydlbject dlade Bazaar tinpdb Some of these tools, like Python, dTKH, Pydlbject and dlade, are almost ubiquitous with Linux applicatio­n developmen­t. Apps developed with these could easily be ported to other Linux distributi­ons, if the packaging is done for their respective systems. Python is one of the few programmin­g languages that is getting immensely popular for any type of applicatio­n and if you don’t

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