OpenSource For You

Use the Drupal modules that inhibit performanc­e, selectivel­y


Use ps -aux | sort -u and netstat -anp | sort -u to check the SURFHVVHV DnG WKHLU UHVRuUFH FRnVuPSWLR­n. ,I yRu finG WKDW WKH ASDFKH SURFHVV VLzH LV unGuOy KLgK, WKH fiUVW VWHS LV WR disable unnecessar­y modules on the production servers to free memory. Modules like Devel are required only in your developmen­t environmen­t and can be removed altogether. After you have disabled unnecessar­y processes and removed unnecessar­y modules, run the top command again to check if the changes you have made have taken effect.

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