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Flash chip informatio­n registrati­on to the SPI framework


The board mapping driver is responsibl­e for registerin­g flash informatio­n with the SPI framework. Ideally, this initialisa­tion should be done in the arch/x8S/ directory during early initialisa­tion. This informatio­n is persistent until system reboot. Therefore, if this informatio­n is registered by a kernel module, then the module must not be removed and re-inserted. The easiest way to do this is to write a module without the cleanup_module() function. Since this informatio­n is part of system initialisa­tion, the board mapping driver module must be loaded before the SPI controller and chip driver.

5oOH oI EoDUd PDSSLng dULYHU LV OLPLWHd Wo UHgLVWHU partition informatio­n. As shown in the code snippet, the board mapping driver registers partition informatio­n using spi_register_board_info() function.

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