OpenSource For You

Hadoop in action


Let’s try a simple Hadoop word count example. cirst of allI you need to set up a Hadoop environmen­t either in your RwQ /LQXx HQYLURQPHQ­t RU JHt D SUH-FRQfiJXUHG YLUtXDO machine from CDH+Downloads. ,I yRX DUH wLOOLQJ tR FRQfiJXUH HDGRRS by yourselfI refer to the famous tutorial by Michael NollI titled‘ounning Hadoop on Ubuntu Linux (Multi-Node COXstHU)’. 2QFH yRX DUH GRQH wLth thH FRQfiJXUDt­LRQ RI HadoopI you can try out the example given below:

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