OpenSource For You

Intel is one of the biggest contributo­rs to open source technology, which also makes the company one of the biggest recruiters of open source profession­als. The company has a lot of initiative­s involving developers. So anyone with the 'right' skill-set ca

Spoke to to understand the company's recruitmen­t strategy with respect to open source developers. Excerpts…


Diksha P Gupta Open Source For You Narendra Bhandari, director, Intel Software and Services Group, Intel South Asia, QIs

this one of the reasons why Intel is eyeing the Indian market for open source technology? If you’ve observed our behaviourI we have almost FonWLnuous­Oy LnYHsWHd Ln ,ndLD oYHr WhH ODsW fiYH Wo sHYHn years and worked with companies to build solutions for multiple platforms. te have been working with the developers­I because the devices are growing in the market and the availabili­ty of broadband is also continuous­ly growing. lur fundamenta­l approach is to drive digital literacy in every home in the countryI if possible. That will happen through devices and connectivi­tyI amongst other things. The way Intel wants to address this is by getting more and more relevant applicatio­ns. That will drive technology usage and digital literacyI and attract more users. Look at it in this way—a couple of years backI one could not think of booking air tickets sitting in the remotest parts of the countryI but it is possible now. To answer your question about why we continuous­ly work with the developers­I my answer would be: to drive digital literacy and that will mostly come through applicatio­ns. And applicatio­ns come from developers. If you look at the entire eco-systemI our role will be to continuous­ly investI incentivis­e and educate developers to build more applicatio­ns relevant for our lives. So developers play a key role in bringing about digital literacy. QSince

Intel’s thrust is on open source technology, do you think that there has been a surge in the demand for open source profession­als in the past few years, particular­ly in the Indian market?

 ??  ?? Narendra Bhandari, director, Intel Software and Services Group, Intel South Asia
Narendra Bhandari, director, Intel Software and Services Group, Intel South Asia

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