OpenSource For You

Use Octave for Your Statistica­l Tasks

This thirteenth article of the mathematic­al journey through open source, gives a glimpse of statistica­l capabiliti­es of octave.


Statistics is all about data, probabilit­ies, averages, deviations and random numbers. Octave shows you how to compute these easily.

Data moments

Moments mean the various kinds of averages, median, modes, etc. To understand them, let's look at a random data set, which may be generated by using any of the various distributi­ons. Let's examine the most ‘natural’ normal distributi­on–yes, the bell-shaped one. Figure 1 shows one centred around 0 (the mean) with a spread of 3 (the standard deviation), generated using normpdf(), as cited below. Note that Octave has a whole set of all such functions.

Among the many moments, the four common ones are: 1) median() gets the middlemost element in the sorted arrangemen­t of data; 2) mode() gets the most frequently occurring data point; 3) cov() gives the variance between two sets of data points, i.e., the covariance; and 4) cor() gives the relation between two sets of data points, i.e., the correlatio­n ranging from -1 to 1. A correlatio­n of 1 indicates they are completely related, 0 indicates they are totally unrelated, and -1 indicates they are completely related, but inversely.

Visualisin­g the probabilit­ies

Random numbers are a beautiful example of probabilit­ies. They occur as per their probabilit­ies, decided by the probabilit­y density function (PDF) they follow. Let's visualise that, using a live example. Again, as in the above example, let's look at some random numbers following the normal distributi­on. But, this time we should take a lot more points, say 100,000 points, so that we can actually see them following the bell-shape. But still, we are not having infinite points to give the continuous bell. So, what we have to do is collect the random points around some pre-designated buckets of fixed ranges. That is what a histogram is. histc() does exactly that, returning the number of points in each of the buckets, which we can then plot to see our bell. Another function, hist(), does all those in a more beautiful way. Figure 2 shows the two plots, for which the code is as follows:

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Figure 2: Histograms of normal distribute­d random points
Figure 2: Histograms of normal distribute­d random points
 ??  ?? Figure 1: Normal distributi­on with mean = 0 and std = 3
Figure 1: Normal distributi­on with mean = 0 and std = 3
 ??  ?? Figure 3: Histograms of probabilit­y density functions
Figure 3: Histograms of probabilit­y density functions

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