OpenSource For You

The Processing Developmen­t Environmen­t (PDE)


The processing developmen­t environmen­t is a handy IDE for creating, compiling and executing processing programs. PDE is a text editor with menus for operations like compiling, running, etc, and a console area for printing error messages and execution statuses.

A program written using the Processing language is referred to as a ‘sketch’ and the whole program/project folder that consists of sketches and other resources is referred to as a ‘sketchbook’. Since processing adopts its programmin­g style from Java, we can use any Java IDE to develop programs.

The package, Processing, is available for download from Installati­on steps include downloadin­g the proper Zip, based on the target operating system, and extracting it in a local directory. There is a wide range of built-in sample projects that explain the different features, and they can be accessed through Examples options in file menu in PDE.

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