OpenSource For You

Now you can add Shut down and Restart options to Ubuntu’s Unity Dash!


It is now possible to add powering on/off options to Ubuntu’s Unity Dash, a pleasant surprise for ardent Ubuntu users. This is possible through the new software called Atareao PPA, which adds the Shut Down, Reboot, Hibernate, Log Out and Lock Screen options to the Dash.

The items can be found in the Dash almost instantly, after installati­on has completed. In case you don’t see them, you can log out and log in again to make the Dash detect the items. However, the downside is that all the options are promptless. Therefore, if you tend to accidental­ly click on things, this might not be very convenient for you. With Atareao, you will not be asked for confirmati­on when clicking on options.

The software also has a few unrelated packages, some of which might be unstable. Therefore, it is advisable to add the repository, install what you need, and then disable it through Software Sources. To uninstall, simply open the Ubuntu Software Centre, search for ‘Power Commands’, and click on ‘Remove’.

Meanwhile, in Ubuntu 14.04, users will be able to choose whether or not they want applicatio­n menus to appear globally or locally. It’s been a long time coming, but finally it’s here, much to the relief of users. Canonical has now come up with a replacemen­t for the much-criticised global menu bar. Prepare for the re-emergence of locally integrated menus! metered Internet connection, there will be the usual bandwidth ramificati­ons.

Once you’re done watching your movies, they will be ‘…buried in a secret folder somewhere on your drive until you restart your computer. Then it will be gone for good,’ claim sources in Popcorn Time. Users can simply stream the movie again, later, as and when they desire. The app will be available only for the desktop. The developers have no plans for an Android or iOS version anytime soon.

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