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In the above example, many words like ng-app, ng-init and ng-model may have struck you as odd. Well, these are attributes that represent directives - ngApp, ngInit and ngModel, respective­ly. As described in the official AngularJS developer guide, “Directives are markers on a DOM element (such as an attribute, element name, comment or CSS class) that tell AngularJS's HTML compiler ($ compile) to attach a specified behaviour to that DOM element.” Let’s look into the purpose of some common directives.

ngApp: This directive bootstraps your angular applicatio­n and considers the HTML element in which the attribute is specified to be the root element of Angular. In the above example, the entire HTML page becomes an angular applicatio­n, since the ‘ng-app’ attribute is given to the <html> tag. If it was given to the <body> tag, the body alone becomes the root element. Or you could create your own Angular module and let that be the root of your applicatio­n. An AngularJS module might consist of controller­s, services, directives, etc. To create a new module, use the following commands: var moduleName = angular.module( ‘moduleName ‘, [ ] ); // The array is a list of modules our module depends on

Also, remember to initialise your ng-app attribute to moduleName. For instance,

<html ng-app = “moduleName” >

ngModel: The purpose of this directive is to bind the view with the model. For instance, <input type = "text" ng-model = "sometext" /> <p> Your text: {{ sometext }}</p>

Here, the model ‘sometext’ is bound (two-way) to the view. The double curly braces will notify Angular to put the value of ‘sometext’ in its place. ngClick: How this directive functions is similar to that of the onclick event of Javascript. <button ng-click="mul = mul * 2" ng-init="mul = 1"> Multiply with 2 </button>

After multiplyin­g : {{mul}}

Whenever the button is clicked, ‘mul’ gets multiplied by two.

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