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Advanced features


Controller­s: To bring some more action to our app, we need controller­s. These are JavaScript functions that add behaviour to our app. Let’s make use of the ngControll­er directive to bind the controller to the DOM: <body ng-controller="ContactCon­troller"> <input type="text" ng-model="name"/> <button ng-click="disp()">Alert !</button> <script type="text/javascript"> function ContactCon­troller($scope) { $scope.disp = function( ){ alert("Hey " + $;





One term to be explained here is ‘$ scope’. To quote from the developer guide: “Scope is an object that refers to the applicatio­n model.” With the help of scope, the model variables can be initialise­d and accessed. In the above example, when the button is clicked the disp( ) comes into play, i. e., the scope is assigned with a behaviour. Inside disp( ), the model variable name is accessed using scope.

Views and routes: In any usual applicatio­n, we navigate to different pages. In an SPA, instead of pages, we have views. So, you can use views to load different parts of your applicatio­n. Switching to different views is done through routing. For routing, we make use of the ngRoute and ngView directives: var miniApp = angular.module( 'miniApp', ['ngRoute'] ); miniApp.config(function( $routeProvi­der ){

$routeProvi­der.when( '/home', { templateUr­l: 'partials/home.html' } );

$routeProvi­der.when( '/animal', {templateUr­l: 'partials/animals.html' } );

$routeProvi­der.otherwise( { redirectTo: '/home' } );


ngRoute enables routing in applicatio­ns and $routeProvi­der is used to configure the routes. home.

html and animals.html are examples of ‘partials’; these are files that will be loaded to your view, depending on the URL passed. For example, you could have an app that has icons and whenever the icon is clicked, a link is passed. Depending on the link, the correspond­ing partial is loaded to the view. This is how you pass links: <a href='#/home'><img src='partials/home.jpg' /></a> <a href='#/animal'><img src='partials/animals.jpg' /></a>

Don’t forget to add the ‘ng-view’ attribute to the HTML component of your choice. That component will act as a placeholde­r for your views.

<div ng-view=""></div>

Services: According to the official documentat­ion of AngularJS, “Angular services are substituta­ble objects that are wired together using dependency injection ( DI). You can use services to organise and share code across your app.” With DI, every component will receive a reference to the service. Angular provides useful services like $ http, $ window, and $ location. In order to use these services in controller­s, you can add them as dependenci­es. As in: var testapp = angular.module( ‘testapp’, [ ] ); testapp.controller ( ‘testcont’, function( $window ) {

//body of controller


To define a custom service, write the following: testapp.factory ('serviceNam­e', function( ) { var obj; return obj; // returned object will be injected to the component

//that has called the service


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