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Kobject reference counting


Each kobject has a member struct kref, which is a reference counter. Whenever any module wishes to use the kobject already created, this reference count is incremente­d, and whenever that module wishes to stop using kobject, the reference count is decremente­d to maintain the number of modules using the kobject or the sysfs directory represente­d by the kobject. Whenever the reference count reaches 0, the memory related to the kobject which was allotted by kobject_create_and_add is released, and whenever a kobject is created using kobject_create_and_add, it internally initialise­s the kref reference counter by one. This indicates the kobject is being used by the current module, and then kobject_create_and_add internally creates the directory for the kobject. Whenever any new module wishes to use the directory represente­d by that kobject, the reference counter has to be incremente­d.

The reference count is maintained in the kobject using the following functions:

…where, attr is the attribute representi­ng the file to be created, show is the pointer to the function that will be called when the file is read in sysfs, and store is the pointer to the function which will be called when the file is written in sysfs.

Suppose we need to create our example_info file in the /sysfs/ kernel/example_dev directory that was created as an example; then the following method is the way to define the attribute:

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