OpenSource For You

Here comes GNOME 3.16


The GNOME 3.16 update was announced on March 25, which definitely is the best version yet. Features include a new GNOME Shell theme, a revamped notificati­on system, more useful notificati­on pop-ups, overlay scrollbars for all GNOME applicatio­ns, important usability improvemen­ts for Nautilus (files), support for scroll wheel emulation in trackballs, NFS (Network File System) support in user space, Foursquare support, Wayland login screen and an updated Adwaita wallpaper.

Multiple core components have been updated, including Eye of GNOME, GTK+, Tracker, GNOME Maps, GNOME Music, GNOME Control Center, videos, GNOME Terminal, GLib2, gdk-pixbuf, libsoup, Iagno, GNOME Documents, GNOME Photos, Evince, Calculator and Mutter.

Installing GNOME 3.16 is not something that can be done immediatel­y. Users of other GNU/Linux operating systems need to wait patiently until the GNOME 3.16 packages arrive on the main software repositori­es of their distributi­ons. This includes Fedora, the distro most associated with GNOME, which will use it in the next release, version 22.

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