OpenSource For You

Getting started with LXCOS


LXCOS is released with an Apache licence and its code can be found at GitHub ( Let us go through the steps of having LXCOS installed in AWS and then create containers. The requiremen­ts are: Chef server on AWS (installing Chef is out of scope for this article) Chef workstatio­n (installing it is out of scope for this article) Knife ec2 wrapper on the Chef workstatio­n Remember, this might be the hard way, but there is a wrapper around the following steps to help you easily walk through the process, which I will discuss later.

Step 1: Clone the repository from GitHub mentioned above, into the Chef workstatio­n:

Step 6: Make sure that you create a security group with 80 and 22 open and use that.

Step 7: Once the node is provisione­d, you can log in to it as:

Now you have a Chef powered node, which can spawn containers for you.

Here is an example:

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