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Impulse plot


This plot type can be used to plot a mass spectrum. In this example, the acetylsali­cylic acid (2-acetoxyben­zoic acid) mass spectrum is considered. The peak data are taken from http:// and then organised in four columns. The first two columns are the spectrum coordinate­s and the second two are the fragments coordinate­s, on which the numerical labels are put. With the LaTeX command includegra­phics and the primitive xstring, it’s also possible to add an image of the molecular structure (via the parameter ‘g’). In xstring (5,65,”$”+g+”$”), first the coordinate­s are written about the position of ‘g’ on the plot and then ‘g’ is inserted between two ‘$’. That is how LaTeX can be used with Scilab. If the impulses are plotted horizontal­ly, the result can be adapted to something similar to a Gantt chart.

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