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The Dom0 secure update mechanism


In general, Dom0 executes a secured qvm-dom0-update script under updateVM, where RPM files are checked, verified and downloaded. Once all the updates are downloaded, the update script requests for RPM service qubes.ReceiveUpd­ates to be executed in Dom0. This service is implemente­d by the qubesrecei­ve-updates script running in Dom0. The Dom0’s qvm-dom0update script waits until qubes-receive-updates has finished. The qubes-receive-updates script processes the untrusted input from Update VM; it first extracts the received *.rpm files (that are sent over the qrexec data connection) and then verifies the digital signature on each file in order to avoid processing compromise­d updates. The qubes-receive-updates script is a security-critical component of the Dom0 update process.

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