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Torch is a framework for scientific computing. It has great support for many machine learning algorithms. It is based on a faster scripting language called LuaJIT, C and CUDA implementa­tions. The primary features of Torch are: Neural network and energy based models Quick and efficient GPU support It has embeddable ports for iOS and Android Robust and powerful N-dimensiona­l array handling Many functions for indexing, slicing and transposin­g Comes with a large ecosystem of community-driven packages for computer vision, machine learning, etc Apart from the software libraries highlighte­d in this article, there are various other options for deep learning developmen­t like Deepnet, Hebel, Deeppy, Neon, Intel Deep learning framework and Mocha. As the field of deep learning is in its early stages and the best is yet to come, it can be confidentl­y said that in the years ahead, deep learning will emerge as a game changer with applicatio­ns in various domains.

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