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JavaScript callbacks


JavaScript began as a browser language, with the primary task of handling user events such as a mouse click. The language has excellent support for event-driven programmin­g. In this language, functions are first class citizens, which means you can use a function where any other primitive data type fits. For example, a function can be passed as an argument. A function can also return a function. A callback is a function that will get executed upon an event. It is common for frontend developers to write many callback functions on mouse events like onClick, onmousedow­n, etc. The functions (callback) get called upon mouse events.

Another important point to note is that JavaScript is single-threaded. Any operation (function call), which takes time, should be asynchrono­us.

Let’s take an example of a callback.

Line 2: Creates a new Promise object. The object ‘p’ gets a value after reading the file.

Line 3: A Promise takes a function. The function in turn takes two functions ‘resolve’ and ‘reject’ as parameters. For all successful cases, it executes ‘resolve’. For error scenarios, the second parameter function is executed.

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