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Iptables tables and chains


The Linux kernel uses the Netfilter facility to filter packets, allowing some of them to be received by or to pass through the system while stopping others. This facility is built into the Linux kernel, and has five built-in tables or rules lists, as follows. Filter: This is the default table for handling network packets. NAT: This is used to alter packets that create a new connection and also used for Network Address Translatio­n (NAT). Mangle: This is for specific types of packet alteration­s. Raw: This is mainly for configurin­g exemptions during connection tracking in combinatio­n with the NOTRACK target. Security: This is used for Mandatory Access Control (MAC) networking rules, such as those enabled by the SECMARK and CONNSECMAR­K targets. Each table has a group of built-in chains, which correspond to the actions performed on the packet by Netfilter.

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