OpenSource For You

Go the DevOps Way with Docker

DevOps is a term that’s emerged from ‘developmen­t and operations’. It refers to the collaborat­ion, communicat­ion and integratio­n between software developer and IT operations teams, leading to faster production of software and services. This tutorial start


Once you have Docker installed, you can verify it by running docker without any arguments. You can verify your installati­on as shown below:

<code: shell>

$ docker -v

Docker version 1.12.3

$ docker-compose -v docker-compose version 1.8.0-rc2, build c72c966

Docker requires sudo to run. However, we will not use Docker with sudo, because we wish to avoid repetition and maintain simplicity. You can copy-paste the commands shown below to avoid using sudo. (Logout → Login for group changes to take effect.)

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