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Atom 1.19 text editor gets official with enhanced responsive­ness


Atom has announced the release of the next version of its text editor. Debuted as Atom 1.19, the new open source text editor update comes with an upgrade to Electron 1.6.9. The notable change in Atom 1.19 is the improved responsive­ness and memory usage. The integratio­n of a native C++ text buffer has helped to smoothen the overall performanc­e and operations of the text editor. Also, the key feature of Git and GitHub integratio­n, which was introduced in Atom 1.18, has been improved with new tweaks in version 1.19. Ian Olsen, the developer behind Atom, said that the improvemen­ts in Atom 1.19 are the new steps in the ‘continued drive’ to deliver a fluent experience for large and small files. Large files consume less memory in Atom 1.19. In the same way, file saving in the latest Atom version happens asynchrono­usly without blocking the UI.

Atom 1.19 comes with a full rewrite of the text editor’s rendering layer. This version has restored the ability to return focus to the centre. There is also an optimised native buffer search implementa­tion that removes trailing whitespace­s. The new text editor version also comes with the ‘showLineNu­mbers’ option set to false, by default. Atom follows the tradition of pushing the stable release along with the next beta version, and has released Atom 1.20 beta for public testing. The beta release offers better support for Git integratio­n. Olsen has added a new API that can be used for observing dock visibility, along with fixes for PHP grammar support.

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