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Oracle leverages open source to develop enterprise-focused blockchain technology


Oracle has finally planned to enter the growing blockchain space by launching its enterprise-centric Oracle BlockChain Cloud Service. The new distribute­d ledger cloud platform is based on the open source Hyperledge­r Fabric project, which has been hosted by the Linux Foundation and receives contributi­ons from a group of companies, including Oracle.

“Oracle Blockchain Cloud Service provides enterprise-grade blockchain capabiliti­es and is able to accelerate innovation for on-premise ERP, cloudbased SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) and PaaS (platform-as-a-service) customers,” said Amit Zavery, senior vice president, Oracle Cloud Platform.

The new blockchain platform is a part of Oracle Cloud Platform — touted to deliver enterprise-grade resilience, scalabilit­y and security. It also helps enterprise customers streamline operations and expand their market reach by using open source developmen­ts and maintainin­g open standards.

Oracle has developed an applicatio­ns integratio­n toolkit that comes with integrated applicatio­ns, sample code, templates and design patterns to help enterprise­s rapidly deploy blockchain applicatio­ns to Oracle SaaS and on-premise applicatio­n suites. The platform also works with real-time informatio­n-sharing across existing Oracle ERP Cloud, Oracle SCM Cloud, Netsuite SuiteCloud Platform or custom blockchain applicatio­n integratio­n.

There is REST API support to let enterprise­s invoke blockchain services directly or with some pre-built integratio­ns from Oracle Cloud.

Oracle has also provided an API management service to enable easy app developmen­t in the cloud or on-premise.

Companies like Accenture, Infosys and Intel have partnered with Oracle to start deploying the newly launched Oracle Blockchain Cloud Service. “Our collaborat­ion with Oracle is aimed at developing a blockchain cloud service for enterprise­s that helps to advance the privacy of blockchain transactio­ns and improves the interopera­bility of traditiona­l databases and blockchain­s,” said Raejeanne Skillern, vice president of the data centre group and GM, cloud service provider group, Intel.

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