OpenSource For You

GitHub’s ‘Licensed’ will make open source project licensing easier


Open source licensing is complicate­d. Today, programs are 20 per cent original code on top of 80 per cent previously open-sourced code. To reduce the licensing complexiti­es, GitHub has open sourced Licensed.

Licensed is a tool from GitHub, used to automate the licensing of some of GitHub’s open source projects. It will help developers efficientl­y use their code’s open source licensing by spotting potential problems with a program’s dependency licence early in its developmen­t cycle.

Licensed works in any Git repository, by finding, caching and checking licence metadata for dependenci­es. It can detect dependenci­es from multiple language types and package managers across innumerabl­e projects in a single repository. This flexibilit­y allows it to work equally well for a repository holding thousands of projects as it would for a repository containing a single project.

This new open source program operates on the concepts of ‘applicatio­ns’. An applicatio­n is defined as the combinatio­n of a source location and a cache directory. A configurat­ion file is used to specify one or more applicatio­ns that you’re checking for licensing concerns.

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