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Deep learning platform launched by Linux Foundation


The Linux Foundation already supports multiple open source foundation­s and projects like Cloud Foundry, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, CNI, CodeAurora, IOTivity and many more. It has added another feather to its cap by flagging off the LF Deep Learning Foundation (LF DLF) in March 2018. This foundation supports open source inventions in artificial intelligen­ce, machine learning and deep learning. It also makes these valuable technologi­es easily accessible to data scientists and developers all around the world.

The LF Deep Learning Foundation was started by Amdocs, B.Yond, AT&T, Baidu, Huawei, Nokia,

Tech Mahindra, Tencent, Univa and ZTE, a consortium of firms. The aim is to provide a neutral space where developers will be able to collaborat­e for speedy and widespread adoption of deep learning technologi­es.

Long term deep learning strategies can evolve on this platform, and it can offer support to various projects based on AI, machine learning and deep learning ecosystems. One of the projects already launched by the LF DLF is Acumos AI, which will provide a platform where it is easy to create, share, discover and apply machine learning, deep learning and analytics models, eventually making the potential of AI accessible to more users. AT&T and Tech Mahindra have provided the initial code for the Acumos AI project.

Soon the LF DLF will feature projects from Baidu and Tencent. The Baidu’s EDL project equips Kubernetes with elastic scheduling and uses PaddlePadd­le’s fault tolerant property to specifical­ly improve the usage of Kubernetes clusters. For Big Data models, Tencent’s Angel project provides a distribute­d high performing machine learning platform developed in collaborat­ion with Peking University. Countless parameters can be supported by this project.

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