Outdoor Asia

Jcdecaux gains edge with new contract


JCDecaux India has made its foot stronger witK 419 QHw BXV-4-SKHOtHrV iQ tKH cDSitDO. The contract is issued by the Delhi Transport ,QIrDVtrXct­XrH DHvHOoSmHQ­t CorSorDtio­Q LimitHG (DTIDC) for a period of 20 years, which is further extendable to 5 years. The contract states that JCDecaux India is entitled to upgrade 319 existing shelters and construct new shelters at 100 different locations in Delhi including Central, 1ortK, SoXtK, EDVt & WHVt DHOKi. ,Q DGGitioQ, the company is entitled for constructi­on/ op gradation, operations, cleaning, maintenanc­e & mDrNHtiQJ oI DOO BXV VKHOtHrV.

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